Submissions are open for Just Film 2024!
Thu 03/14/2024 13:57

Submit your film and join the biggest youth and children's film festival in Estonia!

We have opened the film submission for the 24th edition of Youth and Children’s Film Festival Just Film – the biggest sub-festival of Tallinn Black Nights Film Festivals!
The regular deadline for competitive and non-competitive feature film programs is the 30th of June 2024.

The final deadline for the submission of Just Film is the 25th of August.

Before you embark on this cinematic journey, ensure you're well-versed in the submission guidelines and regulations. Navigate to the following link for all the essential details:

Just Film Youth and Children's Film Festival

The call for submissions for the Industry Days will be announced in August 2024.

Dust off your cameras and let your creativity unfold on the grand stage of Just Film. Let's make cinematic magic together!

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